-Ritayan Sil

Nanotechnology refers to the manipulation of materials on an atomic or molecular scale specifically with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometres such that they bring down serious, professional, and industrial level workload with a hundred percent efficiency and accuracy every single time.

Inspired by Feynman’s previous concepts, the term “nanotechnology” was first used by Norio Taniguchi in 1974. K. Eric Drexler used the term “nanotechnology” in his 1986 book Engines of creation: The coming era of nanotechnologies, In the book, he proposed the term and idea of a nanoscale “assembler” which would be able to perform controlled duplication of itself and other components identical to it.

Uses: Among the wide range of practically projected as well as hypothetical uses of nanotechnology straight from the scripts of a Sci-fi movie, the most prominent is its usage in the medical field which includes controlled nanobots flowing through the human bloodstream to transport the drug required to the exact target spots. The next prolific use of nanotechnology in the medical field is the surgery room to extend the reach of specially trained surgeons such that they can operate on the most delicate and manually unreachable spots in the human body with the highest efficiency ever using specially designed bots specifically for this purpose. Scientists nowadays are extending the applications of nanotechnology in cancer treatment as well. Nanotubes can help with cancer treatment. They have been shown to be effective tumour killers in those with kidney or breast cancer. Multi-walled nanotubes are injected into a tumour and treated with a special type of laser that generates near-infrared radiation for around half a minute. This technology has improved the field of construction as well, by applying this tech, materials can gain a range of new properties. This discovery of a highly ordered crystal nanostructure of amorphous C-S-H gel and the application of photocatalyst and coating technology gave birth to a new generation of materials with properties like water resistance, self-cleaning property, wear resistance, and corrosion protection. The invention of Graphene has also boosted this field, claimed to be the most conductive, flexible, and strong material to ever exist in a single atomic layer and is expected to be the future of all gadget constructions.

Present and future of Nanotechnology and research: Nanotech knowledge is rapidly growing and is expected to peak in the next century. The number of scientific publications and fantasy articles in the field grew from about 200 in 1997 to more than 12,000 in 2002. Despite this, the technology is still in the laboratory research papers, hence relatively few products using nanoparticles are currently on the market. On the whole, the ones that are already on sale do not address the issues highlighted above, of health, food security, and the environment. Rather, the product usage range has tried to remain focused on consumer applications that include improved sunscreens, crack- resistant paints, and scratch-proof spectacle lenses. Like electricity and the internal combustion engine, nanotechnology is an enabling technology. As such, it is predicted to precipitate a range of innovations. The evolution of technology is constant, Nanotechnology is one of the most hyped technologies among the million other fields. The future expects a lot from it and within another million hypotheses of its pros and cons, it is hoped to bloom for the betterment of society and humanity.

Ritayan Sil

Netaji Subhash engineering College (CSE)

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